Bioma Paraiso - Anaerobic Natural Brazil

Bioma Paraiso - Anaerobic Natural Brazil

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What we're tasting:
Mulled wine, peach schnapps, vanilla

About the coffee:
In 2001, Marcelo was a recent graduate in the technical school of agriculture. He spent years learning the coffee growing process, and in 2010, along with Flavio Marcio Silva, he acquired his own farm, dedicated 100% to specialty production – in Campos Altos region, Minas Gerais.

Marcelo represents a new, younger generation of specialty coffee producers who are pushing the bounds of what Brazilian coffee can be.

This anaerobic natural process coffee highlights both the beauty of the Cerrado Mineiro terroir and the meticulous processing and fermentation at origin. The cherries are placed in sealed tanks for 48 hours then dried on raised beds in a greenhouse for 25 days before resting in wood silos for 30 days before milling.

Varietal: Arara
Process: Natural Anaerobic
Producer: Marcelo Assis 
Notes: Mulled Wine, Peach Schnapps, Vanilla